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We are now the Community Foundation of Huntington County


Janet Branham Posted by: Janet Branham 2 years ago

New LogoAs of January 1st, 2023, we are changing our name to the Community Foundation of Huntington County. Over the years, we have discovered that having Huntington County at the beginning of the name is cumbersome.  Since we primarily interact with individuals and agencies in Huntington County, nothing unique about our identity is revealed until the last word of our name.  (many agencies in Huntington begin with Huntington County Community).  The staff team proposed following the lead of other Community Foundations and organizations and putting Community Foundation as the first part of our name.  We worked with a local designer to craft a new logo corresponding to the name and received board approval for both in October.  We have not legally changed our name; we are now simply doing business as the Community Foundation of Huntington County.  Our website and email addresses will remain the same, but you will see our new look and new name in more and more places in the near future.   We look forward to continuing to serve Huntington County!